
Tag Archives: Geelong Psychologist

Giving birth is rarely the picture-perfect event painted on our televisions, billboards, andhospital brochures. Giving birth can be a raw emotional and physical experience.It can be both…

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Infertility problems are experienced by 1 in 6 Australian couples. That’s 1 in 6 couples with their hearts set on having a baby of their own, often…

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woman crying, hugging man and holding baby socks at home, grieving disorder concept

The unexpected loss of a pregnancy or baby can be a devastating experience. And while the statistics mean you’re not alone, the grief you are feeling is…

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mental load

If you look at raising children and running a household as an ongoing (and particularly important) project – who in your household is the project manager? The…

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Geelong Psychologist

At Happy Minds, our Geelong Psychologists, offer a holistic approach to supporting our clients, building their resilience and increasing their life satisfaction and mental wellness. But who…

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There are few things more daunting than preparing yourself for a first IVF cycle. After all, there are so many steps to take, terms to learn, and…

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mother wound

Our relationships with our parents – and often particularly our mothers – shape our personalities and our lives. When it comes to our mums, and all that…

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postpartum sex

When to start having sex again after delivery is a hot topic (!), but the arrival of a baby can act like a relationship earthquake – your…

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Sarah-Jayne Duryea - Psychologist Geelong

It’s no secret that mental health issues have increased during the pandemic. My own client numbers have risen exponentially (so much so that I am on the…

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mental health professional

Are you a rockstar mental health professional? We’re looking to expand the Happy Minds Psychology team, and we’re wondering if YOU might fit the bill? About the…

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So, you’ve found your Surrogate or perfect Intended Parent(s) and it feels a bit like you’ve hit the jackpot. Then it dawns on you. You now have…

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IVF Failure

Using any scale of measurement, the process of IVF is a grueling one. All of those hopes and fears, the money spent, the physical processes endured. All…

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