



let's face it: being pregnant can be really scary

Experiencing anxiety in pregnancy is common. The fear of losing what you have hoped for can feel overwhelming, as can finding yourself in an unexpected situation.

 The symptoms of anxiety in pregnancy are similar to how you would feel at any other time. Breathlessness, fatigue and feeling dizzy are some of the physical symptoms you may experience. On the other hand, you may notice worrying thoughts about the pregnancy or birth that you can’t turn off. 

Those wonderful pregnancy hormones can lead to a heightened emotional state too.  This can lead to mood swings and feelings of anxiety, fear and depression.

Previous anxieties can also manifest during pregnancy. Therefore, repetitive thoughts about coping with the baby are very common. Seeking help from a Psychologist specialised in working with anxiety in pregnancy can help you enjoy your pregnancy.

Both “Doctor Google” and other people have horror stories about what could go wrong.  Therefore, this can create negative thoughts which get us stuck. Help from an Antenatal Psychologist can help you to get clear on the reality of your pregnancy, as well as building your resilience as a mum.

Becoming a mum is a time for BIG change. Any change brings with it challenges as you attempt to adjust your life to the new baby. Working with someone who will support you through this time provides you with reassurance and confidence in yourself. As well as helping you to manage prenatal anxiety. 

Coping with anxiety in Pregnancy the Happy Minds way!

Coping with pregnancy can be a real challenge. It’s not only the physical symptoms but the emotional ones too. Relationships difficulties, fertility treatments and miscarriage are just some of the long list of issues that can arise during this time. All of which can make us feel anxiety in pregnancy. 

Sometimes, there are issues that arise with the pregnancy itself and a professional,  nonjudgmental ear can be worth its weight in gold.


Psychologists working for Happy Minds Psychology are trained in non-directive counselling. This means that they allow you the time and space to make up your own mind about what is right for you and your body. The attitude taken at Happy Minds Psychology is strictly non-judgmental. You can be sure of a nurturing environment where you have time and space to relax into your sessions.

If I am anxious in pregnancy, what can I do? 

If anxiety in pregnancy is causing you sleepless nights, there are some things you can do. Together with downloading an app like Calm to start learning how to relax, try to talk to friends for support. Talking about our fears and concerns can help reduce pregnancy anxiety, as well allowing others to know us better.

When should i see a Psychologist about my pregnancy anxiety? 

Sometimes, anxiety about pregnancy can get in the way of enjoying the experience. The most special time in our life can start to feel like REALLY hard work. Everything we try to do to relax just doesn’t cut it anymore. 

There is no right time to consult a Psychologist about your pregnancy fears. It can be better to get supportive treatment early on in pregnancy to make sure you enjoy your experience. 

Building your psychological resiliency as a mum can also be a good idea prior to giving birth to help you cope with being a first time mum.  This is building a greater capacity to manage stress and can also help us to manage pregnancy anxiety and guard against postnatal depression. At Happy Minds, we use a positive psychology approach to creating resiliency. 

It may be time to speak to your Geelong GP about some help from a Psychologist, particularly if you are not enjoying your pregnancy. 

Email Happy Minds Psychology at [email protected] or use the contact form below to get in touch. 

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to join in the latest conversation, and take a look at our Happy Minds Blog.  Read more about the effects of anxiety in pregnancy here