



Discovering that you can focus on what’s right rather than what’s wrong was a revolution to me as a Psychologist. Think about your fear, worries, thoughts and dreams up on a stage. Humans are wired to focus the spotlight onto our fears and think about them over and over. We are primed by our reptilian brains to focus on our flaws. But you can shift the spotlight: and that’s where positive psychology comes in.


Positive psychology encourages the shifting of the spotlight to what’s right with you, rather than what’s wrong. It focuses on increasing our innate strengths and helping us live a life in line with our deepest values.  During sessions, you will discuss concepts like hope, optimism, character strengths and engagement. 

You will gain a better understanding of yourself, increase emotional resilience and learn what for you is “the good life”. Of course, we talk about happiness and what increases positive emotion, but it’s much, much more than that. And if you think this is all new agey blah blah – I’m sorry to tell you – you are wrong.

Psychologists in the past dealt mostly with psychological diseases and the mental health issues that come from it. Their focus was less on individual factors like motivation, positive thinking, happiness and emotional resilience and more on the manifested symptoms of mental illness. This is all in the past.

With the advent of the science of positive psychology, a significant shift in the focus of mental health research and practice has been noticed. Positive psychology has opened a new way of looking at our life. 

Want to find out more about Positive Psychology? 

Take some time to follow this link to the VIA Character Strengths Survey which is free online. Check out your top character strengths and start finding ways to use them every day. 

Take some time to read our Happy Minds Blog to find out more about Positive Psychology. 

Email Happy Minds Psychology at [email protected] or use the contact form below to get in touch. 

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