

At Happy Minds Psychology we are passionate advocates for Surrogacy in SOUTH AUSTRALIA and Donor Conception

Surrogacy in Australia is another way to create a family. If you have experienced infertility of any kind, surrogacy may be something for you to consider. Happy Minds Psychology provides counselling for surrogacy in the state of South Australia.

Altruistic surrogacy is where the surrogate is only compensated for expenses relating to pregnancy. People are beginning to understand that creating a family through surrogacy is possible for them. Because of the generosity of some amazing women, new mums and dads are being created!

How do i start our surrogacy in south Australia journey?

Because of the legal implications for surrogacy in South Australia, it is important you speak with a lawyer.  Make sure they are knowledgeable about surrogacy in your state and experienced in working with the complexities of surroacy law in Australia. Specialist Family & Surrogacy lawyers such as Sarah Jefford will be able to guide you through the surrogacy process.  Check out Sarah’s highly informative Surrogacy Podcast here and download her free Surrogacy Handbook here.

Some Helpful Resources to begin your Surrogacy Journey

The Australian Surrogacy Facebook (ASC) group is for IPs and surrogates across Australia https://www.facebook.com/groups/ftsaus

If you are a surrogate/wannabe surrogate, there is a private surrogates-only group that you can join once you join the ASC.

Some helpful common Acronyms in Surrogacy are:

GS = Gestational surrogate / surrogacy
TS = Traditional surrogate / surrogacy
IP = Intended parent
IM = Intended mother
IF = Intended father
PTS = Parents through surrogacy
P = Parent, normally previously an IP
PRP = Patient review panel (for Victorian IPs only)
VARTA = Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority https://www.varta.org.au/ 

Surrobub = Baby born through surrogacy
Dibling = Donor sibling (i.e. children who are biologically connected through donated eggs or sperm)
IVF = In vitro fertilisation
ICSI = Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (an alternative to IVF)

A wonderful starting point is surrogacy lawyer Sarah Jefford’s resources – the best starting point for both Intended Parents and potential surrogates:
For IPs – Do I qualify for surrogacy: https://sarahjefford.com/do-i-qualify-for-surrogacy-in…/
For potential surrogates – So you want to be a surrogate: https://sarahjefford.com/so-you-want-to-be-a-surrogate/

Australian surrogacy laws: https://sarahjefford.com/surrogacy-laws-in-australia/

And finally – pick up a copy of the new book More Than Just A Baby: https://sarahjefford.com/more-than-just-a-baby/ 

How happy minds can help you

Appointments to assist you with gaining a psychological counselling certificate for surrogacy and fulfilling your obligations are available now.  

We are registered with ANZICA to be able to complete the counselling obligations under the Surrogacy Act 2019. 

Appointments can be offered via  Zoom, across Australia out of hours.

Email Happy Minds Psychology at [email protected] or use the contact form below to get in touch.

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