
Tag Archives: pregnancy anxiety

Miscarriage Support. Young depressed woman sitting on sofa with closed eyes and hugging her knees, feeling desperate and stressed.

Hoping for the best, but expecting (and preparing for) the worst? When it comes to contemplating a healthy pregnancy after prior perinatal loss, or after multiple rounds…

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Geelong Psychologist

At Happy Minds, our Geelong Psychologists, offer a holistic approach to supporting our clients, building their resilience and increasing their life satisfaction and mental wellness. But who…

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There are few things more daunting than preparing yourself for a first IVF cycle. After all, there are so many steps to take, terms to learn, and…

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IVF Failure

Using any scale of measurement, the process of IVF is a grueling one. All of those hopes and fears, the money spent, the physical processes endured. All…

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Anxiety post-IVF

When you’re on the rollercoaster ride of IVF, the endpoint seems quite simple: conception. Unfortunately, what can come as a surprise for some women and couples who…

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Prenatal anxiety

Having a baby can be a joyful experience and even the birth itself can be full of amazing moments, but for many soon-to-be mums, the perinatal period…

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Pregnancy Support Geelong

Pregnancy: a time for skipping through a field of daisies in the sunshine – right? For many pregnant women, the experience of being pregnant is no trip…

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